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Xecuter X3 XBOX Modchip BIOS User's Manual


In a recent build, Team Xecuter added the ability to customize the skin or visual representation of the User's Interface to add more flavor, spice, pizzaz or what ever you want to call it. I call it just one more awesome customizable feature of the X3 modchip.

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There are two ways of adding X3 BIOS skins to your XBOX. First you can download the skins from various places online such as forums, extract them, and directly FTP them to your XBOX e :\x3skins directory. Second, you can directly download skins from a server Team Xecuter via a networked XBOX that has web-access. For either method check out the X3CL Skins section.
Making Skins: Here is where this section is really heading. You too can make your own skin. It really is not as hard as it looks.
Ok, so while I'm working on this section take a look at this example. This is the x3skin.ini file that comes with one of the basic "choke" skins. The last six characters of a color code is the actual color in HEX form. 000000 is black. FFFFFF is white. FF0000 is red. 00FF00 is green. and 0000FF is blue. For all colors in between check out a standard HTML color picker like ColorPicker II, this Java Applet, or Color Schemer. I am working on defining these fields and variations.
background = x3skin_template_1.bmp
selectorcolor = 0x88666666
fontcolor = 0xffffffff
fontsize = 20
menu_rect = 92,111,531,360
menu_bg_color = 0x00000000
scrollbar = 1

# keyboard color :
# keyboard color = 

keyboard font = HEMIHEAD.TTF
keyboard color = 0x330000ff 0x334444ff 0xffffffff

# settingname = (alignment),(x),(y),(fontcolor),(output)
# alignment can be R for right, C for center and L for left
# output is how string should be outputted

buildversion=L,50,20,0xff00ffff;X3 Detected: Build %d
mcpx temperature=C,155,430,0xffffffff;%s
cpu temperature=C,473,430,0xffffffff;%s
ip=C,155,390,0xffffffff;XBOX IP : %s
hddstatus=C,320,60,0xffffffff;C: %s     E: %s     F: %s     G: %s
dip=R,560,20,0xffaaaaaa;Dip Bank Select: %s
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